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Welcome to our Governors’ Section.
What are School Governors?
School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. They appoint headteachers and other staff.
Governors have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing body is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school.
What do Governors do?
Governors hold the main responsibility for finance in schools, and it is governors who work with the headteacher to make decisions about balancing resources.
The role of the governing body is a strategic one. It has three core strategic functions:
Governors do not get involved in the day-to-day management of the school. That is the headteacher’s responsibility.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured
All Governors are elected for a 4 year term
Mrs Lisa James (appointed 25/09/2023 as a Co-opted Governor by the Governing Body, term ends 24/09/27)
Co-Vice Chairs
Mr Chris Bugh (appointed 01/07/2023 as a Co-opted Governor by the Governing Body, term ends 30/6/2027)
Mrs Fiona Moss (appointed 30/01/2023 as a Co-opted Governor by the Governing Body, term ends 29/01/2027)
Ms Helen Speechley (appointed 25/09/2023 as a Co-opted Governor by the Governing Body, term ends 24/09/27)
Mr Sam Walker ( Co- Head responsibility)
Mrs Rosie Handford (Co-Head responsibility)
Mrs Darshana Mohindra (appointed 21/3/22 as a Co-opted Governor by the Governing Body, term ends 20/3/2026)
Mr Brandon Fisher (appointed 27/11/23 as a Local Authority Governor, term ends 26/11/27)
Mr Blake Tarry (appointed 1/12/23 as a Parent Governor, elected by the parent body, term ends 30/11/27)
Miss Emma Winfield (appointed 1/12/23 as a Parent Governor, elected by the parent body, term ends 30/11/27)
Mrs Divya Parmar (appointed 1/12/23 as a Parent Governor, elected by the parent body, term ends 30/11/27)
Former Governors in last 12 months
Mrs Beenita Patel (re-elected 21/3/22 as a Co-opted Governor by the Governing Body)
Each non-staff Governor is also linked to at least one subject area. This involves the Governor visiting the school, discussing the subject area with the relevant Teacher and viewing samples of work.
Committees and Roles
Mrs Lisa James - English, Phonics, Library, Training and Development, Induction, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Committees: Headteacher Performance Management
Co Vice-Chairs
Mrs Fiona Moss - Pupil Premium, Children in Care, R.E., Curriculum, History
Committees: Finance
Mr Chris Bugh – Modern Foreign Languages, Educational Visits
Committees: Safeguarding
Ms Helen Speechley – Mathematics, Pupil Premium
Committees: Head Teacher Performance Management, Chair of Finance Committee
Mr Brandon Fisher - Computing and E-Safety, SEND
Committees: Pay, Health & Safety
Mrs Darshana Mohindra - Healthy Schools, Anti-Bullying, Music
Committees: Finance, Pay
Mr Blake Tarry - Science, Geography
Committees: Finance
Miss Emma Winfield - Art, D&T, Cookery
Committees: EYFS & Pre-School
Mrs Divya Parmar - P.E., Swimming
Attendance of Governing Body Meetings in 2023/24:
Governor | Number of Governor meetings attended | Number of Finance Committees attended (where applicable) |
Mrs Fiona Moss | 4 | 3 |
Ms Helen Speechley | 6 | 4 |
Mr Samuel Walker | 6 | 5 |
Mrs Beenita Patel | 3 | N/A |
Mr Chris Bugh | 6 | N/A |
Mrs Emma Winfield | 5 | N/A |
Mrs Rosie Handford | 6 | 5 |
Mrs Lisa James | 6 | N/A |
Mrs Darshana Mohindra | 4 | 5 |
Mr Blake Tarry | 3 | 2 |
Mr Brandon Fisher | 3 | N/A |
Mrs Divya Parmar | 2 | N/A |
Relevant Business, Pecuniary and Material Interests:
Updated September 2024
Mrs Fiona Moss | Works for Culham St Gabriel's Trust | None |
Ms Helen Speechley | None | None |
Mr Chris Bugh | Assistant Head Teacher for Brookvale | None |
Mrs Emma Winfield | Child in PS, Y3 and Y5 | None |
Mr Samuel Walker | None | None |
Mrs Judith Rowley | None | None |
Mrs Rosie Handford | None | None |
Mrs Lisa James | Child in Y5 | None |
Mr Brandon Fisher | Child in Y2 | None |
Mrs Darshana Mohindra | Child in Y4 | None |
Mr Blake Tarry | Child in Y1 and Y5 | None |
Mrs Divya Parmar | Child in FS | None |