Welcome to our website. We hope you will find our site useful and easy to navigate.
What is the Hall Association?
The Hall Association is the Parents and Teachers Association for the Hall School. It a registered charity set up to raise money to enhance the learning environment of the pupils.
We are a group of parents, school staff and others who work together to organise a variety of events to raise money and to enrich the lives of the children. We have a committee that meet once or twice a term (depending on the events to organise) to discuss and organise a wide variety of events and fundraising initiatives throughout the year.
We have committee members with children in all years from Pre-School up to Year 6.
All parents are automatically members of the Hall Association.
Alison (Secretary), Emma (Chair), Emily (Co Treasurer), Jo (Co Treasurer) and Dee (Vice Chair)
What do the Hall Association do?
The Hall Association organises a wide variety of fun social events which bring staff, parents and children together as well as other fundraising initiatives, including:
· Running a stall after school from time to time to sell treats and school uniform
· School Discos (for children in Year 1 and above)
· Christmas Bazaar
· World Book Day books
· Mothers’ Day treats
Fathers' Day gifts
· Summer Fete
What have the Hall Association achieved?
Over the years The Hall Association have raised have raised a huge amount of money (usually around £10,000 £14,000 a year) and have funded (or part-funded) a wide range of things for the school including:
Outdoor play equipment
New Screens for the halls
New reading area
4D Immersive tent
Theatre visits
Lighting in the front hall for productions
Signs for the school playground for play
A class set of ukuleles
All weather outdoor trail
How can I help?
We appreciate all the support we get from parents, grandparents and of course, the children themselves. This can be simply attending the events that we run and enjoying yourselves, but there a many more ways to get involved.
We welcome new members to the committee at any point throughout the year – you don’t need to wait until the AGM and be formally nominated. Each committee meeting is advertised via the school newsletter – just turn up and see what we do! We are always keen to hear fresh ideas, particularly if you have experience from other schools, clubs or societies. We like to think we’re a friendly bunch, so come along or grab one of us in the playground before or after school, or even at an event.
You don’t need to be a member of the committee to help out. We need volunteers to help us at discos, fete and other events. You can help us at as many or as few events as you like and if you don’t like being in front of people on a stall, some of our helpers assist behind the scenes. We are particularly keen to hear from people who work for companies who offer matched funding (e.g. many of the banks and other major companies), who will match the amount raised at charitable events by their employees by simply completing a form.
Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/thehallassociation to see news and forthcoming events.
We are very grateful to the many people and businesses that donate items to support the work of the Hall Association. Some of these are listed below.