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Late/Absence Procedures

We are required to distinguish in our registers between authorised and unauthorised absence of pupils. Regulations state that it is the school who authorises an absence or designates an absence as unauthorised. Please see the Pupil Attendance Policy on the 'Policies' section of the website. 


If your child is absent from school you must contact the school office, stating the reason for the absence. If this is for a medical reason, e.g. doctor or dentist, please provide evidence of the appointment.


Following amendments to existing regulations (taking effect as of 1st September 2013), the Local Authority has a statutory duty under the Education Act 1996 to initiate legal proceedings where a child is not receiving suitable education by regular attendance at school or otherwise.




The areas of legislation that LCC has responsibility for include:


·         School Attendance Order – Section 437 Education Act 1996


If it appears to LCC that a child of compulsory age is not receiving suitable education a notice will be served in writing.


·         Prosecution under Section 444(1) and 441(1A) Education Act 1996


If a child of compulsory school age who is a registered pupil at a school is failing to attend regularly at the school, parent(s) are guilty of an offence.


Statutory Duties of Schools include:


·         Advising LCC of any pupil who fails to attend regularly or has 10 or more days of continuous unauthorised absence, or a family holiday (of 5 days or more).


·         Complying with statutory registration & deletion procedures.


As a consequence:


Please see the document below, released by the Local Authority that reflects the National Framework for Penalty Notices which comes into force from 19th August 2024.

Penalty Notices: Information for Parents

Consequently the Co-Headteachers will issue Formal Warnings in relation to family holiday requests or other periods of unauthorised absence.


Authorised absence is given for the following categories as defined by the Department for Education:


sickness or unavoidable cause

religious observance

lack of transport where the school is not within walking distance

participation in approved public performance

absence following the death of a close member of the family

receiving part-time temporary education elsewhere/off site

exclusion from school

medical/dental (with evidence provided)

approved sporting activity

educational visit


Please 'phone the school (0116 287 3582) between 8.30am and 8.45am if your child is not going to be present that day. PLEASE ONLY DO THIS if you have not already informed your child's teacher or the office (either personally or by 'phone or letter) about the absence.

To be CERTAIN that we know, please make the call PERSONALLY whenever possible.


When the registers are returned to the office at 9.00am we will 'phone within 30 minutes, where possible, the parents/carers of all children whose absences are not explained to us by 8.45am on that day. It is not our legal responsibility to ensure the safe arrival of children onto the school site. However, their safety is of paramount concern to us and we wish to work in partnership with you to do all we reasonably can in securing it.
