Within school, we have an extensive level of support provided for SEND children delivered by a range of professionals:
Teachers and Team Teachers responsible for teaching SEN groups/individuals
Learning Support Assistants mainly working with either individual children or small groups.
ICT support in the form of writing and maths programmes such as Booster Phonics, Rapid Reading, Lexia and touchtype software. These are usually delivered by learning support assistants during specified small group or individual sessions, according to need.
Team Teachers or LSAs offering support for children with emotional and social development through our Socially Speaking Groups.
Motor Skills Groups run before school by an LSA.
SALT (Speech and Language Therapy) run by Team Teachers and LSAs under the direction and support of qualified SALTs.
Drawing and Talking therapy delivered by the SENDCo
Local Authority Provision delivered in school
Autism Outreach Service provision
Educational Psychology Service provision
Vision and Hearing Support Service assessment and support
Learning Support Service assessment and support
Health Provision delivered in school
Additional Speech and Language Therapy input to provide a higher level of service to the school
School Nurse assessment and support
Occupational Therapy assessment and support
Physiotherapy assessment and support
CAMHs assessment and support
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