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Uniform Information

School Uniform


We believe that school uniform is important as it gives children a sense of belonging and a sense of ‘Hall School Team’. When children feel ‘smart’ in their uniform, it has a positive impact on their demeanour, attitude and therefore their approach to learning and the school rules.

All uniform can be purchased at reasonable prices in a range of supermarkets. You can also purchase jumpers with the school logo. If you are struggling with financial constraints, please contact us and we will be able to find you some second hand uniform.


Hall School Uniform is as follows:


  • Grey skirts, dresses, tailored trousers or tailored shorts (not leggings or cycling shorts – these are for P.E. lessons so that children feel the change into ‘active wear’. Please ensure skirts are not too short (slightly above the knee) and please note that cycling shorts under skirts are fine but not to be used as an alternative to a skirt of the right length.
  • A white or red polo t-shirt.
  • A red or grey jumper or cardigan (not black). No hoodies please. 
  • In the warmer weather, children can wear a red and white checked outfit (there are a variety of options).
  • Black shoes or black trainers that are completely black (without coloured/white markings or white soles). No open toe footwear (including crocs) please due to health and safety on the playground.
  • P.E. kit is black shorts/ cycling shorts or leggings and a plain white t-shirt. Children may also have jogging bottoms and a jumper in their P.E. kit for the colder weather. Footwear is trainers or plimsolls. This is to be kept in a draw string bag they can hang on their peg.


Please ensure all uniform is clearly named.


Thank you for your support with this – all these details do matter and help make this school a wonderful and a successful place.

School Uniform Ordering Information



Uniform Available To Purchase From Uniform Direct or Direct From School

Uniform (including logo)

Price When Purchased………

From Uniform Direct

From The School


From £8.00



From £9.00


Polo Shirt

From £7.00


Book Bag



PE Bag



Please follow this link to our uniform page:


The wearing of colours is not compulsory, but unless there are strong reasons to the contrary, it is hoped that all children/parents will find the flexibility of the options acceptable and that colours will be worn. 


At several points during the year, there is the opportunity to purchase second hand uniform via our very active PTA committee. This is a great way to do your bit for the environment; raise money for the school and top up your child's uniform at low prices. If you wish to purchase second hand uniform at other times of the year, please contact the school office.
