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PE and Sport Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our P.E. and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

Sports Funding


Evidencing the impact 2023 - 2024


Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school. All pupils should have:

A draw string bag;

A clean plain WHITE T-shirt or polo shirt;

A pair of plain BLACK or navy shorts;

Plimsolls (for indoor use);

Plain BLACK or navy jogging bottoms;

A warm jumper/ hoodie if they are doing P.E. outside;

Change of socks - white; and,

Trainers (for outdoor use).


All of these items should be clearly labelled with your child's name.

Children are not allowed to walk from their classroom to the halls in bare feet.


No child will be allowed to partake in any physical activity if wearing jewellery, unless for bona fide religious reasons. It is suggested, therefore, that on the days of such activity a child will not come to school wearing jewellery; if they do then he/she should be capable of removing all such jewellery for him/herself – this includes studs. Generally taping will not be used. If your child’s ears have been pierced, then earrings must be of the stud variety – we insist on this for safety reasons. A sweatband may be worn to cover bracelets that have particular religious significance. Teachers will not assist in taping or in the removal or replacements of any such jewellery. There may be some occasions where a personal adornment cannot reasonably be removed. In such circumstances, consideration should be given to making the wearing of the item ‘safe’ for the activities concerned, both for the wearer and other participants. If this is not possible, the pupil will ‘sit out’ for those activities where safety may be compromised and be involved in the lesson in a non-direct way; if this is not possible then the pupil will be asked to read quietly. Where the situation persists, resolution will be sought through parental consultation and co-operation. Where a child has very recently had their ears pierced, taping will only be allowed in order for the healing process to take place, this should be between six and eight weeks maximum – the taping must be done by the child. Children will not be allowed to take an active part in P.E. if they do not have the relevant kit as this is also a health and safety requirement. 


In requesting this co-operation the school and its teachers are carrying out the Governors’ Health and Safety Policy, the ‘Safe Practice in Physical Education’ advice given by the British Association of Advisers and Lecturers in P.E. (which is, in effect, Leicestershire’s adopted policy) and the advice of the Health and Safety Executive. Your co-operation in this important health and safety matter will be greatly appreciated – it is carried out in the best interests of all children.


Swimming: children will not wear goggles for swimming unless there is a particular reason to do so. Written authorisation from parents is required by the school.
