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Reading With Your Child
“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.”
J.K. Rowling
Reading is key to all learning. At school, we use every opportunity to develop children’s reading skills. Reading outside of school is vital to helping your child continue to build on this lifelong skill and also to cultivate a love of reading and books.
Whatever year group your child is in, parental engagement with their reading is very important. Whilst we make reading a priority in our curriculum, we simply do not have enough time in the school day to do as much reading as is needed. Showing interest in your child’s book choices and discussing what they have read can have a positive impact on your child’s attitude towards learning.
Here are a few question examples that could open up a reading dialogue:
“What has happened so far?”
“Which character are you most like? Why?
“What do you think will happen next?”
“Why did that character...?”
“How is that character feeling?”
“What would you do in that situation?”
According to the Education Endowment Foundation, “Parental engagement has a positive impact on average of 4 months’ additional progress” on children’s learning.
You can also access digital books for free through Borrowbox. The guide below shows how you can join the scheme run by Leicestershire Libraries.
Thank you for all your support with reading at home: it really does make a difference!